Safari Fundraiser Dinner

On July 11, 2022, Bridges to Recovery hosted their first fundraising dinner, and it was a huge success! What a wonderful evening filled with joy in celebrating what God is doing in the lives of these ladies.

The event was held at Ball Farm, a local venue that was perfect for the occasion. The decor was safari themed, complete with jungle inspired plants, animal print scattered here and there, and of course ELEPHANTS. (You don’t yet know the significance of the elephants? Check out the story here!) Catering was provided by The Doorway Gourmet , a local business who also has a heart for helping women in addiction. (To learn more about The Doorway Gourmet, please visit them on Facebook or their website). The residents of B2R, along with staff members and other volunteers, served our guests a delicious meal, complete with cheesecake…oh so good!

The evening was opened up by Tanya McCall, President of B2R with a welcome and prayer. As people enjoyed their dinner, they were blessed with a beautiful drama performed to “Alabaster Box” that reflects the gratitude of one who knows what Jesus has done for them. Afterward, a surprise video was presented for retiring Judge Sexton whose drug court has paved the way for Bridges to exist. The video was interview-style of the residents, giving their testimonies of where they have been, how they’re doing now, and where they hope to be after their stay at B2R. Each lady looked into the camera and expressed their deepest gratitude to Judge Sexton, thanking him for a chance to get themselves clean, sober, and on their way to restoration with family and society. Thank you, Judge, for all you’ve done. You will be missed, and we pray that whoever is next to sit on the bench you are leaving has the same heart for people as you have.

Rae Lawson, Program Director for B2R, gave her testimony and also led a panel discussion with two residents of B2R. One has recently finished the 9 month program, and another will be graduating very soon! Those present were able to hear the heartbreaking stories of the lives these women came from… lives full of pain and regret, helping us to realize that in reality, it could happen to any one of us. There was also testimony from the very first resident of B2R. Her life is a beautiful picture of what only God can do in a broken life! Their witness of redemption through the healing power of Jesus Christ is awe inspiring and stirs up a desire for others to get involved to keep this program going! To end the evening’s festivities, there was a time to donate to this amazing ministry through one-time gifts, monthly commitments, and the bids submitted in the silent auctions.

The generosity of our community and the faithfulness of God to multiply that which surpassed our wildest dreams leaves us feeling blessed beyond words! We are so very thankful to everyone who gave and all who continue to give financially and/or of their time. We CAN NOT do this without YOU!

* We want to send out a special thanks to our sponsors! Please visit our “Event Sponsors” page for a listing of individuals and businesses who gave.

** To find out how you can support Bridges to Recovery, please go to our “Get Involved” page

*** To see pictures from the event, please visit our Gallery!


Annul Fishing Tournament 10/22/22